Car & Motorbike Part Restorations
We can also extend our vehicle restoration services to a huge range of car, motorbike and bicycle parts, ranging from a full blast, prime and powdercoat service on complete chassis, suspension systems and wheels, to motorbike frames and forks
Smaller component parts, subframes etc

Our large conveyor track oven means that we can complete small, or large batches of car parts, including everything from subframes, suspension arms and wheels, down to rocker covers, brake calipers and small brackets.
All bushes, bearings and rubber components need to be fully removed before they arrive.
Costs will vary dependant on batch size and exactly what parts are involved, but a full service of blast clean, zinc prime and powdercoat finish on a small subframe starts at £120. A single steel wheel starts at £40.
Larger component parts - complete chassis
We also have a custom built box oven that allows us to process large, or heavy single items, like the complete chassis pictured here, up to 4 meters in length. We have done a number of Classic Range Rover and Land Rover chassis in this way.
Due to chassis being different for every vehicle, we price these on enquiry - so please send photos, dimensions and as much information as possible

Motorcycle frames
When it comes to motorbike and bicycle frames, we ask that all plastic and rubber components, bushes etc are fully removed. It is also advisable for any female threads to be capped off to protect them as much as possible.
Approximate cost to blast clean, zinc prime and powdercoat a motorbike frame in a stock colour starts at £160. A set of forks would start at £40
Panel work and wings
Alternatively, we can also complete blast cleaning & basic primers for parts & panels that require further work in their restoration process, like this Jaguar bonnet/front end pictured, or the Vespa frame and associated parts below.